Elemental Bushcraft - Air - 25th June

from £10.00
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25th June 10:30am – 2:30pm

We kick our final elemental session off with a look at weapons that take flight!

We cover:

  • Creating our own hunting arrows

  • Making neolithic glue using charcoal, beeswax and pine resin including a batch to take home

After lunch we slow down and take some unstructured time to relax in the woodland and just be…... fully embracing the fluidity of this element.

We will provide opportunities for:

  • Spoon carving

  • Making natural cordage from nettles, bramble and raffia

  • Making simple bramble baskets

  • Creating our own fire lighting tinder nests and looking at the role of oxygen in the fire triangle

As well as the opportunity to kick back in our hammock with a cup of tea and have a wander around our site.

A delicious light lunch will be provided.

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25th June 10:30am – 2:30pm

We kick our final elemental session off with a look at weapons that take flight!

We cover:

  • Creating our own hunting arrows

  • Making neolithic glue using charcoal, beeswax and pine resin including a batch to take home

After lunch we slow down and take some unstructured time to relax in the woodland and just be…... fully embracing the fluidity of this element.

We will provide opportunities for:

  • Spoon carving

  • Making natural cordage from nettles, bramble and raffia

  • Making simple bramble baskets

  • Creating our own fire lighting tinder nests and looking at the role of oxygen in the fire triangle

As well as the opportunity to kick back in our hammock with a cup of tea and have a wander around our site.

A delicious light lunch will be provided.

25th June 10:30am – 2:30pm

We kick our final elemental session off with a look at weapons that take flight!

We cover:

  • Creating our own hunting arrows

  • Making neolithic glue using charcoal, beeswax and pine resin including a batch to take home

After lunch we slow down and take some unstructured time to relax in the woodland and just be…... fully embracing the fluidity of this element.

We will provide opportunities for:

  • Spoon carving

  • Making natural cordage from nettles, bramble and raffia

  • Making simple bramble baskets

  • Creating our own fire lighting tinder nests and looking at the role of oxygen in the fire triangle

As well as the opportunity to kick back in our hammock with a cup of tea and have a wander around our site.

A delicious light lunch will be provided.


Urban Bushcraft Activity Site - Barkers Wood Community Woodland, Nottingham NG6 8GG

Elemental Bushcraft - Water - 7th May
from £10.00
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Elemental Bushcraft - Earth - 28th May
from £10.00
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from £10.00
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Elemental Master
Sale Price:£70.00 Original Price:£80.00
Sold Out